“Mission Possible” fitness tasks

Today was one of those days where everything went perfect!  My students responded to this game with such enthusiasm and it was really fun.  It was our “mission possible” fitness day.  Here is what we did:

I divided the class into groups of 4-5.  Each group had a cone that was their “home base”.  I gave them 30 seconds to appoint a team captain, then had the team captain come up and get an envelope with their “mission”.  Each envelope had slips of paper with different fitness tasks on them (for a total of 10 tasks).  They had to complete the tasks as a group.  I play the theme from Mission Impossible while they worked.  The music was key to making it fun!  I told them when they finished, they could come to me for an extra challenge.  That kept the fast groups busy. (challenge was to repeat task cards, but double all numbers)  You can use any exercise on the task cards.  Here are the ones I used:  gallop 1 lap, 30 jumping jacks, curl-ups for 60 seconds, 10 super mans, 20 high jumps, grapevine 1 lap, 20 step jumps, 10 push-ups, plank for 60 seconds,    wall sit for 60 seconds.  They all laughed and had fun while working hard.

Our second activity was a relay activity.  When we finished our first mission, I had them move their cones into a row and line their groups up behind them.  Each group had 3 bean bags.  In front of each line I put 3 dome-style cones spaced across the gym floor.  The first person in line ran to the first cone, turned it over and put a bean bag inside.  They then run back and pick up a second bean bag and run to the 2nd cone, turn it over, put the bean bag in.  Repeat for 3rd cone then run back to the group and high five the next person.  That team-mate reverses the action by bringing the bean bag back and turning the cone back to “mountain” position.  Because of the ladder-style running, the students got a lot of cardio exercise.  I played the Mission Impossible music again and the groups kept going until the music stopped.  I told them it wasn’t a race, just to try and see how many rounds their group could do.  They loved this activity as well.  It was a super fun and active PE class!



  • Ok, so I am jealous that you have kids who would finish first (the fast groups) and actually come back to you to get an additional task (“Hi Coach! We are done, can we do another set of burpees but double the amount?”) lol I am already trying to figure out the angle to sell the kids on this. I might have to do a “first team done wins”. Other than that, I’m all set for this activity tomorrow and it’s a great, creative idea. Thanks!

    • It is actually hilarious that they do come for more! There is something about giving them the “mission” and the challenge of it. They really do come asking for more. I play it with 3rd and 4th graders, I may not get the same result from 5th and 6th! I curious to hear how it goes for you.

  • Also, you don’t need to tell them up front what their bonus mission is. Just tell them if they are done to come to you for their “secret bonus mission”. I’ve made new cards this year that give a different bonus mission (more exercises, but different from the first set).

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